2018 VS 2019

What have I learned in 2018

  1. It’s ok to be single. Friends are better than a struggling relationship.
  2. You should research therapist and doctors. It’s ok to switch to seek the doctor that works and listens to you. Second opinions are also ok. (Doctors are human, and they do make mistakes. There are issues with similar symptoms.)
  3. Good deeds go a long way. They can be as simple as give money or complicated as giving your time to help someone living situation.
  4. Celebrities have the same issues as an “average Joe.” They have depression, anxiety, panic attacks. They get nervous and can worry about roles.  They have diet issues and can get sick. They even have problem with sleep and some even go to therapy.
  5. Life is short, be Happy! I have learned that happiness is up to you. It is that simple.  (Pursue things that make you happy.)


What I want to do in 2019

  1. I want to finish several of my writing projects. (I will have my writing goals on my blog http://rebekahquinne.wordpress.com/ )
  2. I want to make more friends. (I guess I need to socialize a bit more.)
  3. I want to help others. (So many has helped me this year, I want to give back.)
  4. Make my body healthier (Yes, I know lower soda, walk, and sleep more.)
  5. I want to get a better place to live, more space. (Hopefully with a cat or two.)

5 of my greatest Compliments

I get compliment and thanked for different things. I try to put others before myself. I have a few skills. . . . Music, writing, cooking etc.

These are my greatest compliments I was given. . .

1. You are a gifted and/or awesome writer. You have so much talent and tell a twisted, creative story. Keep writing. Please don’t stop writing. (I try to write as much as I can. I try my best to ignore the others who say I write too much.)

2. Thank you for being an open and/Or honest person. (I believe in honesty, no point in lying. It will catch up with you and cause a mess.)

3. You are an awesome cook. I love (fill in the dish, I make a lot.) I love

4. I look forward to your future blogs, stories, messages or e-mail etc. (This one is my top 5 because it means the person wants to see or read more of me.)

5. Thank you for replying back. (Its simple, but to me it’s just matters. If you took the time to read my profile and message at least I can do is thank you for your time, even if I’m not interested. It helps for closure and for the other to move on. I hate to be hanging, waiting for a reply that would never happen, it’s rude.)

Honorable mention

You sing so well. I love your voice. (I enjoy singing and I’ve had 14 years of vocal training and won many awards. I had ear isdyes some just sing karaoke and myself now.)

I wasn’t on here all November

I’ve been busy. . .

  1. Working on Nanowrimo I explain more about it on my writing blog: http://rebekahquinne.wordpress.com
  2. Dealing with health issue: sleep issues, female issues, migraine, sinuses, and gout
  3. Weekly Errands
  4. Working on a writing project for a friend
  5. Trying to find friends that understand me
  6. Cooking
  7. Sleeping
  8. Seeing doctors
  9. Thanksgiving

Days 19 to 22

I’m trying to better myself

I’m sorry, but due time issues and sleep problems I’ve put the last four days together.

Day 19: Do you have an activity that makes you feel alive and good within yourself?

1. Writing

2. Playing with Cats

3. Cooking

4 playing games: SIM or jeopardy

5. Music

Day 20: Has your self-esteem improved with doing this challenge? If so, how?

I learned I’m stronger than I thought. I can find the good in me if I just tried a bit more.

I would answer more, but I’ve been fighting sleep issues

Day 21: Name at least 5 things that you are good at.

1. Writing

2. Cooking

3. Shopping

4. Singing

5. Managing. . . Schedules, planning , to-do lists

Day 22: Which of your skills or abilities do you pride yourself on?

I am proud of this skills

My writing

My baking

My cat care

My cooking

My scheduling and list making skills

Day 17: Calming Down

Day 17: What do you do to feel calmer when you’re stressed?


Things I do to calm down

1. Talk a walk

2. Listen to music

3. Blog or diary about it

4. Post on 7 cups

5. Get a listener on 7 cups

6. Pet a cat

7. Take a bath

8. Get a massage

9. Bake or cook

10. Watch you tube

Day 16: Accessories

Day 16: Do you have makeup, clothing or an accessory that makes you feel positive about yourself? If so, what is it and why does it?


  • I don’t wear make up.

  • I hate dress up.
  • Heels would kill my ankles. (I own one pair of shoes and two pairs of slippers)

I dress for comfort. I love my jeans or sweats and my baggy tee shirts.

I feel the most like myself with a pen and paper or in front of a computer. (Or in a kitchen)

Day 12: Proud Moments

Day 12: What’s the last thing you did that made you feel proud of yourself? Why did it make you feel this way?


There are two stories here. . .

In December of 2016, I was called by my ex mom to ask for help because he had a liver transplant and she had to go back to work. (I didn’t make this decision lightly, my ex cheated on me and fell in live with someone else and my family I had to deal with my health issues and my broken heart for over a year. I will say that step mother over reacting to my mental break down, did make the decision easier. She was the one who pushed the meds and when I was having dark thoughts, she was the one who said I should be in a homeless shelter. It kills me that I lost half my family that day. I wish I could let them know I still loved them, and I appreciating them for helping me.) However I knew I was doing the right thing. My parents taught me to put others before myself whenever I can. I wasn’t rushing to help him as a girlfriend, but as friend that he and his mom still trusted. (The girl he cheated on me with just wanted money and gifts.) I helped everyday with meals, meds, doctors visits. He got a stomach infection and withinn 6 weeks he died from cancer. I did it, because I knew it was the right thing to do, even with me having my own health issues and my own therapy issues.

The second thing I’m proud is finishing my psycho-thriller novella trilogy. It’s current 60% hand written, but it’s finished. It was a script I worked on during my high school time. I switch it to prose and wrote from both the goid side and bad side. I have two novels, three novella finished with at least draft one. I have three novels I’m working on currently.

Day 11: Self-talk

Day 11: Is your self-talk negative or positive? If it is negative, what are some more positive ways to talk to yourself?


I try to be a positive person. I’ve was told as a kid, I was too perky.

As I got older and used, abused, told off, talk down to and over time, the neagtivity takes a toll on you. I’ve been through a lot and sometimes I have weak moment in which my depression takes over and I can’t see the positive in reality. I try to write it out.

I give myself goals and tell myself I can accomplish this.

Things I do to fight against my depression and negativity. . .

I write down my dark thought with positive rebuttals.

I write problems or worries with possible solutions.

I write list of people, situations and thinks I’m grateful for.

Day 8: Food

Day 8: What is a food you enjoy that makes you feel good?


I’m not sure if they meant healthy food or guilty pleasure.

Top ten favorite food.

1. Lasagna or pizza (any pasta fits here.)

2. Snap pea with ranch dip, (I’m weird but they are my potato chips)

3. Coffee with flavor creamers (caramel)

4. Ice cream (favorite rocky road with marshmallow swirl)

5. Sushi

6. Soft tacos (I prefer homemade and I make quesadillas)

7. Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes

8. Very gooy mac and cheese with bacon

9. A juicy loaded burger with fried potatoes

10. most things chocolate

Day 6: Obstacles

I’m trying to better myself

Day 6: What are some obstacles that are preventing you from accomplishing your goals?

1. My health including depression and sleep issues

2. My location causes stress

3. My lack of inspiration and motivation (fight depression)

4. Easily distracted

5. Computer is broke

What will you do to overcome them?

1. I’m seeing several doctors working on my health issues day by day

2. I need to get get up and go out more, may inspire me (#3)

3. Find a new band or song or new book to inspire me

4. Time time to write (Can’t wait for Nanowrimo in November )

5. Save some money and get the fan fixed