40 things about me

​40 interesting things about me.

1. Do you like blue cheese? No

2. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

3. Do you own a gun? No

4. What flavor Kool-aid? Fruit punch

5. What do you think of hot dogs? Best on grill

6. Favorite TV show? Big bang theory, Dharma and Greg, 2 broke girls, and criminal minds

7. Favorite movie? Forest Gump, interview with a vampire, beetljuice

8. What do you drink in the morning? Coffee 

9. Can you do a push up? If I have to. 

10. Favorite piece of of jewelry? I don’t wear any. 

11. Do you have a hobby? Writing and cooking

12. Do you have A.D.D. ? No

13. Do you wear glasses? Yes –

14. Favorite cartoon character? Tom and Jerry, tigger

15. Three things I did yesterday? Chatted, wrote a scene in my novel, and cooked. 

16. Three drinks you drink regularly? Coffee, Pepsi, hot tea

17. Current worries? That I am never going to find someone I have a true connection with 

18. Current dislikes? stupid people, lairs, and cat/dog haters

19. Favorite place to go? I currently don’t have a real place, but I love the secret place in my head. 

20. How did you bring in the new year? In the hospital supporting my dying ex

21. Where would you like to go? England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, and Solvika

22. Name five people who will do this? I have no idea. 

23. Childhood hero? Anne Rice

24. Favorite color? Purple, black, silver, and crimson

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets ? I like the idea

26. Can you whistle? Yes

27. Where are you now? home 

28. Would you be a pirate? No

29. Favorite food? Italian

30. Favorite time of the day? Night

31. 3 wishes? Enough money, I will never worry over bills, completely furnished house, and success with my writing

32. What are you thinking right now? I should get some sleep. 

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Someone trying to hit on me

34. Favorite animal? Cats 

35. What’s your most current injury? Cat scratch from kitten I rescued. 

36. How many tv’s are in your house? 2

37. Worst pain ever? Migraine and my cramps

38. Do you like to dance? Only when no one is looking

39. Are your parents still alive? Yes

40. Do you love life? Pieces and moments

Chatting games

I try not to play the “hard to get” chatting games. 

I’m trying to be more open in the dating pool, but I know what I want and yet the doors are current closed. 

So I chat, but then guy gets aggressive even at my polite pushing away. 

  • “I’m not into your interests.
  • “I need to go to bed”
  • “We don’t live close, I’m seeking someone local. “
  • “I do not want just a chat, I want a real life relationship.”

 If I tell exactly how I see it, I sound like a b*tch

  • “I see us talking online, but then you will lie or be aggressive about something you really want and make me uncomfortable.” (Pusher)
  • “You’ll talk to me try to get pic and get off or I say no and you go on the the next easy chatter. You won’t chat again or if you do you ask for more pics.” (Pic weasel because the term I want to use is not nice)
  • “We chat for a few days, until either one say that is deal breaker ” (delayed dealbreaker I ask my deal breaking issues on chat 1.)
  • Chat, one date,  no call (fearful brats)

    I want a text, chat to continue after the first date, and then second and a third date etc. 

    If I don’t think we are going to be at least friends, then why are we even chatting?